Where we are


Currently, the research activities in Biology at SNS are carried out in a transitory logistic arrangement,  hosted by the CNR, at the CNR Area di Ricerca site with very well equipped and highly productive laboratories in the field of Neuroscience.

Current plans foresee a relocation of Bio@SNS Laboratory at the new research infrasructure on the the San Silvestro site which is being renovated to host Bio@SNS.

This will allow  an increasing integration with other scientific groups at Scuola Normale, such as NEST Laboratories , in order to estabilish an essential critical mass and to expand in a cross-disciplinary way the scientific and technological capabilities for our research programs, without reducing the very positive interactions with the CNR Institutes. Bio@SNS Laboratory is an attractor for scientists that are currently working at other structures.

Bio@SNS Laboratory intends to become a point of reference for new scientific initiatives at Scuola Normale, incubating  feasibility and sustainability for any new research directions that may arise.


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